Love Stories
Love Stories Intimates is a rapidly growing scale-up lingerie brand. Always putting comfort first, Love Stories is much-loved for its iconic bralettes – a holiday for your boobs. Rooted in lingerie, the collection has expanded into swimwear, PJ´s and cover-ups.
As the brand kept growing they were ready for the next marketing chapter. Love Stories Intimates was already very active on different channels, but the overarching strategy was missing. They were looking for a solid marketing strategy that covered all relevant channels. Instead of an individual approach, the platforms need to compliment each other.
Love Stories Intimates is a brand with many ambitions, but the questions were how can we realize those ambitions and where do we start?
Strategic Tools
The Nubis BluePrint
Marketing Audit
User Stories

User stories
Strategic themes
Sprints completed
User stories implemented
How did we help Love Stories strengthen their online proposition?
We started with an audit on all online marketing platforms to be able to properly map out what the current marketing strategy looks like. What campaigns are running at the moment, how was each channel performing, what was the customer experience like? Our marketing audit did not serve as the sole analysis of their online marketing channels. We also conducted extensive brainstorming sessions with experts and focused on specific topics to map out Love Stories digital marketing approach.
What were the findings of our audit?
Love Stories had done a stellar job setting up their campaigns but needed some help setting a heading. The questions we needed to answer: When and how is which target group reached and does this happen at the right time and in the right way?

How did we help Love Stories?
Our brainstorm sessions resulted in more than 150 user stories and extensive analysis. All these user stories were classified in 15 different themes and prioritized based on the amount of work and potential impact. This audit was executed over 6 weeks.
After formulating all the user stories, categorizing and prioritizing them, we made a roadmap for the coming months and years. We also assisted Love Stories with the execution of the roadmap, where we completed user stories in 2 week sprints. Each sprint started with a kick–off and planning in which it is decided where the priority lies at that moment and which user stories will be addressed. The sprint concluded after 2 weeks, with a demo showing how the sprint went and what the results are. The priorities of the user stories change on-the-go. This 2 weekly sprint allowed us to quickly adapt to current events.